25 March 2014

In my post about GitHub edits from GUI I described a way to commit content to the github repository via basic authentication - using a password sent from client to github. Without a secured channel this passwords fly around openly - free to read for everyone listening. Therefore the users should use the https version of the site, not the normal http which is default when you enter the url in the address. The question is now howto redirect users everytime to the more secure option? GitHub pages have whitelistet a plugin for redirect and they address the issue described before… https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from/issues/18 . For now I don’t use the plugin, because I couldn’t figure out how to - instead I used a small javascript on my production site.

In _config.yml enforce_ssl: maltretieren.github.io

In template ´

<script type="text/javascript">
  var enforce = "maltretieren.github.io";
  if ((enforce == window.location.host) && (window.location.protocol != "https:"))
	window.location = window.location.toString().replace(/^http:/, "https:");
Drop me a line!