Make a clone for you!

Create a copy of this site on your own GitHub account. After the clone is ready you can create/edit your own content on your page. If you dive into you can even customize the page because you have complete control over all sources. Try it...


Login to this page with your GitHub account. Enter the name of your blog ( and a page slogan. Click on fork... The status bar should go to 80% very fast. This means everything is fine. It then waits for GitHub to render the page which can take up to 10 minutes (normally it is faster).

After your page is ready you can revoke the permission to access the repository in your github account settings...

Fork options

This will be the address of your blog (please check if the address is available). WARNING: Make sure you don't already have a repository with this name in your account - otherwise the master branch of that will get deleted...

Text in the upper left corner

Provide your real name or use your alias

Themes are from

Successful!!! Please visit {{options.forkName}}