01 January 2014

This page gives you an idea how you can design your posts. You can use the source code to copy it.

Front Page

To view a new post on the test frontpage check the “Frontpage” checkbox under “Advanded settings” when you create/edit a post.

Syntax Highlighting

For more pygment css styles see pygments-css or Solarized Light. Replace .codehilite with .highlight for these to work with Jekyll

var helloWorld = "Hello Jekyll";
def foo
  puts 'foo'

Include HTML Widgets

Tags (49)

HTML inside markdown

You can use regular HTML in Markdown text. Markdown will ignore them and pass them through untouched. Block-level elements (div, table, pre, p) need to have leading and trailing blank lines and shouldn’t be indented.

Markdown formatting works inside non block-level elements (span, cite, etc.) but is turned off inside block-level elements. So you can’t use Markdown formatting inside a div, pre, p or table tag.

Include GISTS

Embed YouTube videos


Develop local, run remote

The Jekyll Application Base Format

Jekyll expects your website directory to be laid out like so:

|-- _config.yml
|-- _includes
|-- _layouts
|   |-- default.html
|   |-- post.html
|-- _posts
|   |-- 20011-10-25-open-source-is-good.markdown
|   |-- 20011-04-26-hello-world.markdown
|-- _site
|-- index.html
|-- assets
    |-- css
        |-- style.css
    |-- javascripts
  • _config.yml
    Stores configuration data.

  • _includes
    This folder is for partial views.

  • _layouts
    This folder is for the main templates your content will be inserted into. You can have different layouts for different pages or page sections.

  • _posts
    This folder contains your dynamic content/posts. the naming format is required to be @YEAR-MONTH-DATE-title.MARKUP@.

  • _site
    This is where the generated site will be placed once Jekyll is done transforming it.

  • assets
    This folder is not part of the standard jekyll structure. The assets folder represents any generic folder you happen to create in your root directory. Directories and files not properly formatted for jekyll will be left untouched for you to serve normally.

(read more: https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Usage)

Drop me a line!